1Q. Thabiso,why filming?
A. Directing is a crafts man's work,the more time you take in doing it,automatically you find pleasure in doing it & automatically the results are fulfilling.
I never thought in my life I would have so much love for the camera & the pictures it brings,but maintaining a director's career is very expensive & very demanding. In all the years of my low budget short films I have made peace with the fact that money is not my friend. From my low budget films "The Last Kiss" to "The Last Time You See Me" I never even imagined myself with a sports car,a super bike or a mansion house but all I wanted was for my films to be seen by the whole world. At this time my goal is to get myself a director's job in Hollywood. Yes I'm hoping & praying someone will see my craft in my films & get me a block buster director's deal.
2Q. Your Top three Mzansi movies?
A. Life Above All,Goodbye Bafana & Forgiveness
3Q. What would you like to change in the filming industry?
A. The fact that we've got other thousand stories to tell the world apart from Apartheid.
4Q. Movie making can be a time consuming job what do you do for fun?
A. Watch movies...(Laughing)
5Q. If you had a chance to direct a Hollywood movie what would it be and why?
A. A book adaptation,a story from a novel,because as a reader you've already built a relationship with the characters & it's a story you feel you are connected to when you see the film.
6Q. A little bird told us that you working on a movie called 'Last Kiss' tell us about it...
A."The Last Kiss" is a short film (17mins)based in the 80's,it takes place in the township following a love story of a young couple Thomas & Maria who has just got engaged. Thomas wants to go to war as part of his manly hood,he thinks if he goes to war,it will prove his man hood. He tells Maria about his odeal as they are about to get married & she doesn't take it very well

7Q So your not only a Director your an Actor too,What made you want to become a motion picture actor?
A. That wasn't planned,actually what happened was a guy who was meant for the part in "The Last Kiss" turned it down,so I was the only one who could fill in during that small space of time because I understood the character better & I also co-wrote the script.

8Q. Tell us a bit about your childhood
A. School wasn't my favorite, you could teach me anything through TV & I would narrate to impress. I used to think the TV & film industry was for white people only,no one in my family could tell me anything about film,so there was no one to guide me. The best thing my mother could do was to make sure I was in school. Till I saw headlines about an African American director named Spike Lee. I watched his movies & his movies & stories are very rich because he always made movies based on the African American movement. I then bought my first video camera & started shooting clips wherever I went & even attended workshops & took internships in film production
9Q. What don’t people know about Thabiso?
A. Thabiso is a loving father to a very beautiful boy named JJ,I also run a production company called Robot War Studios & a school initiative called FreeSA School Of Film were we invite the grade 8 & 9 students to production sets & teach them the basics of making a movie or a tv series.
10Q. What do you love the most about what you do?
A.I look forward to the next day because very day is a different day,unlike a 9 to 5 job were you know what happens at exactly 11am on Thursdays.
RBM. Words of wisdom?
Thabiso. Push hard to get what you want & never give up.
Connect with Thabiso
(Facebook) Thabiso Masooa FilmDirector
(Twitter) @ThabisoMasooaSA
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