1Q. Thando Dlamini please tell us about your relationship with your brother Bonginkosi Dlamini, aka Zola
A. We are one family and I learnt to be better than him, To look beyond his faults to focus on the dream not money. I am sure that I am charged up an younger and I kick his "ASS" not false
2Q. How long have you been in this game (kwaito)
A. I have been in the kwaito game for over ten years now
3Q. You’ve been hustling for a few years now. Has it been a struggle or smooth sailing?
A. It has been a hard journey, with its high peaks and
lowest low, and I would say each challenge shaped me and made me a stronger and a better person who is more determined to reach his goals.
4Q. With that said,who do you look up to?
A. I look up to my mother, she has been through a lot but
yet she managed to single-handedly ensured that we get to have what she never
had and we have been through hard times together and prospered through Christ. I also look up to my fiance' because she gave me a reason to wake up everyday. Thabo Mbeki inspires me to be a better person and know that change comes with an effort.
5Q. So what makes Thando Dlamini tick?
A. I’m over protective when it comes to my family so if
anything would happen to them I would without a doubt tick.
6Q. What other music Genres do you listen to and who are you currently listing to?
A. I listen to RNB and bubble gum music, i am currently listening to Kelly khumalo.
7Q. What's an ordinary day to you?
A. A day with my baby and fiance', working on ensuring that I
influence the youth and perfecting and pushing my music.
8Q. We only have one month and few days left,what have you achieved this year?
A. Well a lot, I am releasing my album, I had a baby girl
with my fiancĂ© and I’ve had a number of platforms to portray my musical talents.
9Q. What are your plans for 2013?
A. To promote Thando Dlamini to be on every South African’s
lips, to ensure that I keep working with the youth and to be the best that I can
be at everything.
10Q. The track 'Straight Talk' what inspired it?
A. Poverty, violence, family distortion, lack of love,care and the destruction of relationships between lovers, friends and families.
11Q. What advice do you have for anyone who's interested in kwaito?
A. That it is a hard genre but you have to love your
country to be able to relate and promote kwaito.
12Q. Three most important things to you?
A. God, my family and Charity.
13Q. Who have you worked with and
who would you like to work with?
A. I have worked with the likes of jaziel brothers, Trezpass, 37mph, Pitch Black Afro etc and would like to work with Chomee, Kelly Khumalo:-| Thandiswa Mazwai and
chicco Thwala
14Q. S.A music industry,good or bad (reason)?
A. Bad. Does not protect and promote artists, it also has a tendency to try to change artists to conform to the society styles.
15Q. M3,AMG or GT (bentley)
A. M3
16Q. Please leave us with some words of wisdom
A. I would like to tell the youth to "never give up, never lose hope and never uyekele usathane adlale ngawe". The older generation to ensure that they inspire us to strive for complete freedom and wealth.
For bookings please contact Nokuthula on 071 8717573/ 0792490811
Facebook: Thando Dlamini/ Thando Des Dlamini
1Q. How did you guys meet?
A. We actually from the same hood in the Vaal and we've heard a lot about each other, so it happened that we always wanted to record something, then we finally hooked up and recorded "Broken Heart" that's where it all began. Will be putting Vaal on the Map
2Q. What is it that keeps you going as a Duo?
A. The fact that we make great music as a duo.
3Q. Aka or Pro?
A. Terrence- Aka is too much of a beast,his a problem though. So I'll go with Mr Makasan "Pro" (The number 1 Soweto boy)
A. Lestic- "Yebathi uthini ngo Pro" obvious, the number 1 Soweto boy
4Q. Terrence Mckay you are the vocalist behind the track 'Kings of tomorrow' by Dj Switch and you got to work with Hydro,Drew 985 and Kwesta, how was it?
A. Yes, I'm very proud to say I've worked with the big DOGS including Lulo Cafe as well (Check me out on his "Without you" track) It was really great, getting to work with artists who have made it in the industry and got to see the industry as they see it as well. That's great motivation to work even harder *pops collar*
5Q. So Dj Lestic,you opened for Zahara at the Orange Farm Festival,tell us about that
A. That's true, we opened up for Zahara after Black Coffee and Dr malinga *dusts dirt off shoulder* LOL! It was a great experience for me to actually play along side people whom I look up to. We even played along side artists like Zonke, Jaziel brothers, Bucie, Eddie Zondie, Donald etc and at the Vaal annual Beach party as well. Which was also a great experience for me.
6Q. You guys have an album out called 'Mixed Emotions' what inspired the title of the album?
A. Our album "Mixed Emotions" actually has different emotions, motivational, sad, happy, memorable and love songs which any1 can relate to. So thats how we came up with da name "Mixed Emotions"
7Q. How do you balance your music with other obligations?
A. We sacrifice a lot of things to ensure that music remains top priority
8Q. Which famous musicians do you admire and Why?
A. Terrence- Locally I'm gonna have to go with Black Coffee cause of his great music. Internationally its Anthony Hamilton and Chris Brown for the same reason as well
A. Lestic- Swedish House Mafia and Black Coffee. They inspire me, they believe in their craft so much, they keep it going and they just never give up.
9Q. If you guys had the opportunity to change something about the music industry what would it be?
A. The monopoly of power within the industry. Most artists are sounding the same, that's just lack of originality. If every one can stand out and be different the music industry would grow effortlessly
10Q. So what do you guys do for fun?
A. We always out there doing all kinds of bad things LOL. We just hang out with friends and hit the clubs just to let loose.
11Q. So whose the lucky lady?
A. Terrence- aaah c'maaaan you can't be asking such *giggles* but I love my lady, so I'll mention her. Its Precious Mbonambi.
A. Lestic- Lol really now?! Nkuli Tsotetsi is her name
A. Terrence- I would def rob a bank *bbm can't watch*
A. Lestic- haha I would also rob a bank hey LOL
13Q. Favorite food?
A. Terrence- I've been living by myself for the past 4 years, so anything home cooked has become my favourite meal *yuuummmm*
A. Lestic- This is gon' be 'EEEUUUW' to the ladies mara nna ke rata Skopo (Cow head) that thing is delish *rubs tummy*
14Q. 2013 plans?
A. 2013 is gonna be a great year, too many plans... I myself Terrence I would like to release three RNB singles. Just Get our names out there.. Start doing event organizing professionally. We see it as my break through year.. The best is yet to come, just sit down, chill, be comfy, sip that cocktail and watch the space _____
15Q. words of wisdom please
A. Stay humble, focused, always be greatful for what u have achieved in life and anything is possible through GOD. Believe in your dreams, put your heart in everything you do, be original... Patience is virtue!!!
Connected them
Music video link
1Q. Thabiso,why filming?
A. Directing is a crafts man's work,the more time you take in doing it,automatically you find pleasure in doing it & automatically the results are fulfilling.
I never thought in my life I would have so much love for the camera & the pictures it brings,but maintaining a director's career is very expensive & very demanding. In all the years of my low budget short films I have made peace with the fact that money is not my friend. From my low budget films "The Last Kiss" to "The Last Time You See Me" I never even imagined myself with a sports car,a super bike or a mansion house but all I wanted was for my films to be seen by the whole world. At this time my goal is to get myself a director's job in Hollywood. Yes I'm hoping & praying someone will see my craft in my films & get me a block buster director's deal.
2Q. Your Top three Mzansi movies?
A. Life Above All,Goodbye Bafana & Forgiveness
3Q. What would you like to change in the filming industry?
A. The fact that we've got other thousand stories to tell the world apart from Apartheid.
4Q. Movie making can be a time consuming job what do you do for fun?
A. Watch movies...(Laughing)
5Q. If you had a chance to direct a Hollywood movie what would it be and why?
A. A book adaptation,a story from a novel,because as a reader you've already built a relationship with the characters & it's a story you feel you are connected to when you see the film.
6Q. A little bird told us that you working on a movie called 'Last Kiss' tell us about it...
A."The Last Kiss" is a short film (17mins)based in the 80's,it takes place in the township following a love story of a young couple Thomas & Maria who has just got engaged. Thomas wants to go to war as part of his manly hood,he thinks if he goes to war,it will prove his man hood. He tells Maria about his odeal as they are about to get married & she doesn't take it very well

7Q So your not only a Director your an Actor too,What made you want to become a motion picture actor?
A. That wasn't planned,actually what happened was a guy who was meant for the part in "The Last Kiss" turned it down,so I was the only one who could fill in during that small space of time because I understood the character better & I also co-wrote the script.

8Q. Tell us a bit about your childhood
A. School wasn't my favorite, you could teach me anything through TV & I would narrate to impress. I used to think the TV & film industry was for white people only,no one in my family could tell me anything about film,so there was no one to guide me. The best thing my mother could do was to make sure I was in school. Till I saw headlines about an African American director named Spike Lee. I watched his movies & his movies & stories are very rich because he always made movies based on the African American movement. I then bought my first video camera & started shooting clips wherever I went & even attended workshops & took internships in film production
9Q. What don’t people know about Thabiso?
A. Thabiso is a loving father to a very beautiful boy named JJ,I also run a production company called Robot War Studios & a school initiative called FreeSA School Of Film were we invite the grade 8 & 9 students to production sets & teach them the basics of making a movie or a tv series.
10Q. What do you love the most about what you do?
A.I look forward to the next day because very day is a different day,unlike a 9 to 5 job were you know what happens at exactly 11am on Thursdays.
RBM. Words of wisdom?
Thabiso. Push hard to get what you want & never give up.
Connect with Thabiso
(Facebook) Thabiso Masooa FilmDirector
(Twitter) @ThabisoMasooaSA
1 Q. Who are the founders of Gabadier Wear? A. Founders of GabaDier Wear are Njabulo Njakes Citabatwa, and Neo sneozin Tseeke
2 Q. How did Gabadier Wear come about?
A. As hustlers we wanted something to we could push a movement of some sort, a lifestyle. That's when we looked into GabaDier. Gabadier in the streets of soweto is a name that describes the coolest gangster of them all. GabaDier was always known as the coolest of the realest....but our vision for GabaDier was positive so wen we saw a hard worker, an innovator someone who can make a difference in a positive way we saw a true GabaDier. growing up to seeing the lavish lifestyle portrait by the GabaDier crew's was what drove the youth including was in the wrongest of ways a GabaDier hustled, a GabaDier was what we wanted to be but we didn't wanna do the crime, so we took the word gave it a positive meaning branded it and nw we just want to let everyone know about it.
3 Q. How long have you been in the industry? A. GabaDier was founded on January 2010 so we are 2years 8months pushing in the industry.
4 Q. What does Gabadier mean? A. GabaDier is Describing someone uber,someone cool, a person who makes a difference, a leader type of person. The word GabaDier was adapted from the word Brigadier: The commander of a Brigade.
5 Q. What makes Gabadier Wear different from all these other clothing labels? A. GabaDier is not just a label, it is a brand, a lifestyle.
6 Q. Amongst the team, whose the ‘charmer boy ‘?A. Sihle Gedlela Ngwenya, ladies man... Killer!
7 Q. Who’s the peace maker? A. Thokozani Nkosi
8 Q. Do you guys ever find yourselves arguing about what kind of designs to work with? A. We never argue on designs, what we do is we plan, we discuss and we only execute on approval of the team.
9 Q. What’s the one thing people don’t know about the Gabadier gentlemen? A. Well now they know we're 'Gentlemen'.
10 Q. What’s your motto? A. Original
11 Q. Who’s the face of Gabadier? A. We don't have one yet, maybe one will be chosen in the near future.
12 Q. What do you guys do for fun as the Gabadier Family? A. Giving a helping hand is always fun. So we support other local brands and events
13 Q. What can we expect to see from Gabadier Wear in the near future? A. With GOD's grace and hard work, a full range!
14. Q. Do you guys see your label on the shelves in the near future? A. Definitely! If everything goes according to plan. You'll find our merchandise in your leading retail stores.
15 Q. Lastly how does one get a hold of Gabadier Wear? A. Our email address is ;
Our twitter handle is; @GabaDier_Wear
On facebook search for GabaDier Wear
One on One with Kwandile Dladla
One on One with Kwandile Dladla
I recently had a chat with a really cool guy whose killing it with the whole vintage swag . This is what he had to say about himself
Real biz :Who is Kwandile Dladla ?
Kwandile is just a ordinary shy guy who's originally from Diepkloof but now
I reside in Centurion , a guy who's ambitious,loves shopping, hard
working and driven by success.
Kwandile : I'm studying Business management and also pushing the swenk and fashion movement , that's what I breath and do everyday of my life. I'm the future fashion buyer/ stylist/ trend forecaster . Recently started my BOY MEETS VINTAGE sale business .
Real biz : Who Inspires You?
Kwandile :
Kwandile :
When it comes 2 fashion basically the main person who inspires me also and made me love fashion is my father as well as Mboko Ndimba , Brad Goreski and Sam Lambert and locally based is Linda Makhanya and Mbali Gilbert
Real biz : How Would You Describe Your Personal Style And How Has It Evolved Over The Years?
Kwandile : My style has changed a lot over the years because of the experience I have gained and also the people who I have met inspire me . With my style I mix modern wit old vintage style.
Real biz : Where Do You Enjoy Shopping For Clothes?
Kwandile :
Real biz : How Would You Describe Your Personal Style And How Has It Evolved Over The Years?
Kwandile : My style has changed a lot over the years because of the experience I have gained and also the people who I have met inspire me . With my style I mix modern wit old vintage style.
Real biz : Where Do You Enjoy Shopping For Clothes?
Kwandile :
Ben Sherman
Ben Sherman
Kwandile Dladla |
Let’s go through some of your likes
Favorite Restaurant?
Kwandile :
Tuscan barbaque
Primi Piatti
Favorite hang-Out Spot?
Kwandile :
Tuscan barbaque
Primi Piatti
Favorite hang-Out Spot?
Kwandile :
Primi Shikisha
any shisa nyama
Favorite Drink?
Kwandile :
Primi Shikisha
any shisa nyama
Favorite Drink?
Kwandile :
Real biz : Essential Wardrobe Items?
Kwandile : Shoes , denim jeans , cologne and lastly clean socks .
Real biz :Best Shopping Advice?
Kwandile :
Real biz : Essential Wardrobe Items?
Kwandile : Shoes , denim jeans , cologne and lastly clean socks .
Real biz :Best Shopping Advice?
Kwandile :
Always go for what you are comfortable with and never allow people to discourage you in what you wanna buy or wear.
Real biz : What Is Fashion And Style To You?
Kwandile :
Real biz : What Is Fashion And Style To You?
Kwandile :
To me fashion is what you given for times a year and style is what you pick out from that , style is also what best describes you as a fashionista and being the owner of your own style.
Real biz : Tell us more about " Boy Meets Vintage" ?
Kwandile :
Real biz : Tell us more about " Boy Meets Vintage" ?
Kwandile :
BOY MEETS VINTAGE is all about me basically its about me being involved in this new trend of vintage clothing and also the vintage sale I've just opened which I sell variety of vintage items and also style you. You can come through to Boy meets vintage at the Grove Market in Braamfontein every Sunday from 10am till 5pm.
Real biz : What are the latest trends for winter 2012 ?
Kwandile :
Real biz : What are the latest trends for winter 2012 ?
Kwandile :
Thick wool knitted jerseys
colour blocking in distressed color palettes
loose fits (especially pants)
chino pants
round collared shirts (in snow white, light blues, greys and creams)
sock also come out to play more this winter season - having jeans rolled up a bit to the ankle bone, and wearing bright sock for that color blocking effect)
if you are a bold guy, throw in a turbin and add spunk to your look
Guys also do chunky beaded bracelets, vintage watches
buda over sized beads
vintage leather bag packs
leather caps/graffiti ones in african prints
Fashion is my obsession
And there it is , this young man is doing it for himself don't forget to get him at the Grove Market every Sunday
Contact him
Facebook : Kwandile 'Dieselpunk' Dladla
colour blocking in distressed color palettes
loose fits (especially pants)
chino pants
round collared shirts (in snow white, light blues, greys and creams)
sock also come out to play more this winter season - having jeans rolled up a bit to the ankle bone, and wearing bright sock for that color blocking effect)
if you are a bold guy, throw in a turbin and add spunk to your look
Guys also do chunky beaded bracelets, vintage watches
buda over sized beads
vintage leather bag packs
leather caps/graffiti ones in african prints
Fashion is my obsession
And there it is , this young man is doing it for himself don't forget to get him at the Grove Market every Sunday
Contact him
Facebook : Kwandile 'Dieselpunk' Dladla
One on One with Koketso Ditibane
I recently did an interview with one of the founders of " Hood vs Burbz " yes the event that started out as something small and now its blown out and has become a HUGE SUCCESS . Guys from the hood who started something which looked small at first but now its become a movement.
If you don't know what " Hood VS Burbz " really means well Koketso Ditibane chats with me and tells me more about it .
Could you kindly tell me who are the founders of HoodvsBurbz ?
•Lebogang Mokgoka
•Koketso Ditibane
•Lebogang Mokgoka
•Koketso Ditibane
•Katleho Mokoena
•Tumelo Moeketsi
•Surprise Sebotsane
When exactly did HoodvsBurbs start and how ?
Hoodvsburbz is an events management and coordination company which consists of 5 founders, Rush, Scott, Ducks, Xavi and Infa and the Hoodvsburbz brand ambassador Kidio. The idea was formulated through the urge of the members to bring individuals from both the Townships (Hood) and Suburbs (Burbz) together to form one united youth in Johannesburg that didn't consist of stigmas and stereotypes. The only way to penetrate the idea was through events . We knew that no matter where a person comes from they liked to go to places where they could enjoy themselves and so 'HoodvsBurbz' was born in the year 2009 .
Where did you get the knowledge to execute the whole concept of HoodvsBurbz ?
We saw a gap between the two townships which is the Hood and the burbz ( Suburbs ) , so we decided to start the whole concept of hosting events to bring them all in one place .
Do you guys have sponsors ? If so , please name a few ?
For now it's just Miller geniun draft that we currently have .
How has the response of HoodvsBurbz been so far since your first event ?
We are proud to say that HVB is transforming into a phenomena .
What can people expect from HoodvsBurbz in the coming future ?
First and foremost growth and consistency, we are also planning on branching out into different markets we want HVB to be a brand for the people and we want to be able offer all sorts of markets what they want. We also planning on being on the small screen and being ambassadors of other well known brands through what we do .
And lastly are there people you'd like to work with in the coming future ?
Hopefully AKA, Khuli Chana, Camp Mulla ( crew from Nairobi), Cashtime Fam, Dj's Nave, Milkeshake, Spectecula, Dimplez, Black Coffee, Euphonik, Fresh, Christos, HHP and anyone else who has the hunger for success and has more or less the same vision we have for the South African entertainment industry
I hope this sums up everything for those of you who don't really know the true meaning behind the ' Hood VS Burbz " movement .
When exactly did HoodvsBurbs start and how ?
Hoodvsburbz is an events management and coordination company which consists of 5 founders, Rush, Scott, Ducks, Xavi and Infa and the Hoodvsburbz brand ambassador Kidio. The idea was formulated through the urge of the members to bring individuals from both the Townships (Hood) and Suburbs (Burbz) together to form one united youth in Johannesburg that didn't consist of stigmas and stereotypes. The only way to penetrate the idea was through events . We knew that no matter where a person comes from they liked to go to places where they could enjoy themselves and so 'HoodvsBurbz' was born in the year 2009 .
Where did you get the knowledge to execute the whole concept of HoodvsBurbz ?
We saw a gap between the two townships which is the Hood and the burbz ( Suburbs ) , so we decided to start the whole concept of hosting events to bring them all in one place .
Do you guys have sponsors ? If so , please name a few ?
For now it's just Miller geniun draft that we currently have .
How has the response of HoodvsBurbz been so far since your first event ?
We are proud to say that HVB is transforming into a phenomena .
What can people expect from HoodvsBurbz in the coming future ?
First and foremost growth and consistency, we are also planning on branching out into different markets we want HVB to be a brand for the people and we want to be able offer all sorts of markets what they want. We also planning on being on the small screen and being ambassadors of other well known brands through what we do .
And lastly are there people you'd like to work with in the coming future ?
Hopefully AKA, Khuli Chana, Camp Mulla ( crew from Nairobi), Cashtime Fam, Dj's Nave, Milkeshake, Spectecula, Dimplez, Black Coffee, Euphonik, Fresh, Christos, HHP and anyone else who has the hunger for success and has more or less the same vision we have for the South African entertainment industry
I hope this sums up everything for those of you who don't really know the true meaning behind the ' Hood VS Burbz " movement .
They recently had their event ' Rack City ' and I was there to capture all the awesome moments .
Look out for these guys because they going to blow up in Soweto , don't say i didn't tell you .

Deejay Gap
Born Thamsanqa Mniki
From Orlando East Soweto
The boy who always had the music genes in his veins,taking from his grand father who was a guitarist. At a tender age of 8 he and his friends started recording themselves on a tape recorder using cassette tape not knowing the habit will grow fond wit him,a couple of years later he had a friend from limpopo who taught him how to deejay using a computer,at the tender age of 11 years.
As he was in high school he started learning music production (self taught)but he was not familiar with any instrument that's when he went to study music in 2007. He studied at SWGC (contempt jazz/blues) majoring in piano, That's where he met up with Ras V,Dj Zero and other musicians.
After 3 years,College days came to an end others went to futher their studies he couldn't due to finance. He formed a group called Black Cloud which consisted of 11 hot Deejays they took Soweto by storm,but not for long . It was cut down to 3 members a year later it was changed to APHROtrbe. 1 member left the group and it was Deejay Gap and Exi all on their own,they continued working together featuring Ras V in most of their vocal tracks.
When Dj Zero came back to JHB from fathering his studies in Cape town he met Mr Benjamin R Nkhatho (Mr B) they started working on this project and Zero did a track with Ras V,Gap got the permission to remix the song and Ras V took it to Mr B and he was impressed that's how Gap was discovered and joined forces with Zero,GapZero was born and idela entertainment was up and running!!!
Check out our second installment with Dj Gap link below
Oratile Mosikare, also known as Mr Signs, a Soweto born and raised House DJ well known for rocking crowds with his unique style of mixing.
Like every upcoming Dj he started in his bedroom at the age of 13 . He then entered and won his first competition called “Young Jocks” “09 presented by Heavy Panda Productions, which paved way for his future in the Dj industry as well as putting him in the le...ague of professional DJ’s.
With only a few years on the decks, he has already played at countless spots in and around Joburg such as.
•Roxy’s (Melville)
•Primi Bazala
•S’heaven (Sandton
•Mogale City (Fan Park for the Fifa World Cup)
This is just to name a few places, he has culminated into a brand name.
Currently runs a popular podcast called Soul Frequencies (SA’s No.1 DeepSoul Movement) which has a massive following worldwide. He also occasionally posts Promo Mega mixes on his Soundcloud page.
He is currently dressed By BlackFaff
For Bookings you can get a hold of Mr Signs here:
Contact details : 0713623231
Twitter: @MrSigns
Facebook: Mr’Signs Oratile
To join the movement:
Like every upcoming Dj he started in his bedroom at the age of 13 . He then entered and won his first competition called “Young Jocks” “09 presented by Heavy Panda Productions, which paved way for his future in the Dj industry as well as putting him in the le...ague of professional DJ’s.
With only a few years on the decks, he has already played at countless spots in and around Joburg such as.
•Roxy’s (Melville)
•Primi Bazala
•S’heaven (Sandton
•Mogale City (Fan Park for the Fifa World Cup)
This is just to name a few places, he has culminated into a brand name.
Currently runs a popular podcast called Soul Frequencies (SA’s No.1 DeepSoul Movement) which has a massive following worldwide. He also occasionally posts Promo Mega mixes on his Soundcloud page.
He is currently dressed By BlackFaff
For Bookings you can get a hold of Mr Signs here:
Contact details : 0713623231
Twitter: @MrSigns
Facebook: Mr’Signs Oratile
To join the movement:
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